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Volume 27, Issue 1, 2024

Online ISSN: 1451-8341

Volume 27 , Issue 1, (2024)

Published: 22.08.2024.

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The concept of a cluster facilitator has only been recently elaborated in economic literature, whereas sources of information on cluster facilitators on the territory of Serbia are scarce. Therefore, further in the text the role and the significance of a cluster facilitator will be demonstrated through an empirical aspect of activities and operation of LEDIB Cluster House. That particular aspect implies examples of good practice of cluster facilitators from other countries cooperating with Cluster House in enhancing interaction and exchange of experience. LEDIB Program has invested significant resources in the training of the cluster facilitators and the following text represents a combination of acquired theoretical knowledge and practical experience. The most significant series of cluster facilitators training modules organized by the Cluster House was held in REG X Danish Cluster Academy, so that some of the definitions and conclusions cited in the text have been taken from the experts working at this prominent institution for the cluster development.

Jelena Vučković