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Volume 27, Issue 1, 2024

Online ISSN: 1451-8341

Volume 27 , Issue 1, (2024)

Published: 22.08.2024.

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Professional paper


In terms of damage to roads and associated facilities, the greatest danger is threatened bythe appearance of landslides. If the terrain zones prone to landsliding are known, they should be avoided at the design stage of the roadway, because the landslide remediation is usually very expensive. In addition, quiteoften after the rehabilitation measures are taken, the landslide can be reactivated, and there is a need for many landslides to be repaired repeatedly. The paper presents the basic elements of the landslide with corresponding labels, names, and terms. The methodology of studying the landslidesis also presented consideringthe design of cutting and embankmentslopesof roads. It is also briefly explained the phenomenon of liquefaction, which is one of the most common causes of damage to roads due to seismic effects. In addition,the principles of landslideremediation measuresare pointed out, with special emphasisto the measureof redistribution of earth's masses. Lastly,a map of Serbia with an overview of significant areas of instability(landslides, slopes,and scree) is also presented

Slavko Zdravković, Elefterija Zlatanović, Novica Tončev, Nikola Janković, Predrag Savić