Svetlana Vukotić ,
Svetlana Vukotić
Jugoslav Aničić ,
Jugoslav Aničić
Marko Laketa ,
Marko Laketa
Aleksandar Gračanac
Aleksandar Gračanac

Published: 13.09.2012.

Volume 15, Issue 1 (2012)

pp. 155-166;


Small and medium companies can significantly increase their competitiveness by interconnecting into business clusters, business incubators or technology parks. This interconnection contributes to the growth and development of not only cluster members, but has a regional and a national dimension. Without it, there can be no significant penetration into international markets. Due to all these factors, the issue of encouraging cluster connectivity must be given much greater attention in Serbia. In addition to a simulative economic policy, the process of development of clusters must be based on adequate human potentials where the key place belongs to the management of companies in a cluster and the management of the entire cluster.



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