Aleksandar Popovic
Aleksandar Popovic

Published: 13.09.2012.

Volume 15, Issue 1 (2012)

pp. 131-142;


Change is modus operandi in modern times and it will be even more so in the future. RTC is normal having in mind that positions of stakeholders are to be disturbed, but there are numerous other reasons for RTC, but real question is how to deal with it. In this paper we will examine change and RTC happening in Regional Chamber of Economy in Nis, Serbia. These changes were inducted by transition of Serbia and its economy during past decades, but also by legislative reform in this sector. Relevant literature was investigated having in mind similirarities and differences with current examples in order to find out what is change and what is RTC, why does it happen and how to deal with it. As a conclusion,the guide - a practical modelwith check-list for change implementation and dealing with RTC was crafted. This model was developed with respect of existing change models and guides.



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