Current issue

Volume 27, Issue 1, 2024
Online ISSN: 1451-8341
Volume 27 , Issue 1, (2024)
Published: 22.08.2024.
Open Access
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Professional paper
This work illustrates the process of perceiving architectural drawing, i.e. architectural visualisation. Although the architectural drawing could be considered as the technical drawing which precedes the realization of object, work is mainly focused on perceiving the drawings made in the moment of developing design ideas. Drafts, drawings and three-dimensional sketches develop when a number of conceptual ideas convey into graphic picture. Then it is necessary to take control over immanent parts of architectural structure which will shape the complex perceptive system, as it is shown in the drawing. Errors made in this phase could lead to irreparable loss of architectural work. Also the object visualization, which has been shown throughout the drawings, is done with the tendency of communicating the architectural ideas to certain observers and future consumers who are expected to go through some enlightening process and decode the message of the designer in the adequate way. At this stage,the architect is expected to visually familiarize the future consumers with the ideas of visual object,since he is fully familiar with the perceiving process. That is the reason why it is important that each architect comprehends the way in which something is going to be perceived. At the same time ,it is essential to know how the consumer will perceive the future architectural work. Finally, the segment of work is dedicated to the contemporary tendencies within the architectural design where digital drawings take precedence. This fact influences the perception of such architectural drawing and its interpretation.
Vladimir Kovač
Professional paper
U radu je prikazano istraživanje objekata predškolskih ustanova kroz prizmu današnjih promena. Boravak dece u institucionalnim prostorima podrazumeva ispunjavanje različitih oblika svakodnevnih potreba i širokog spektra aktivnosti. Arhitektura ovih objekata nedvosmisleno reflektuje promene u sistemu vaspitanja i obrazovanja dece, uslovljene širim društveno-ekonomskim okvirom. Prihvatanje savremenih metoda rada, ali i veliki broj dece koja su potencijalni korisnici predškolskih ustanova, uslovljava potrebu za većim smeštajnim kapacitetima i fleksibilnijom prostornom organizacijom unutar objekata. Tradicionalni objekti predškolskih ustanova građenih u Novom Sadu tokom prethodnih trideset godina postali su predmet arhitektonskih intervencija u cilju odgovora na trenutne i buduće zahteve, sa akcentom na mogućnosti ispunjavanja širokog dijapazona različitih potreba dečjeg vaspitanja i obrazovanja. Tip intervencije izabran je u zavisnosti od postojeće funkcionalne organizacije unutar objekata i njihovih konstruktivnih rešenja, čime su formirani novi prostori. Primeri navedeni u radu upućuju nas na analizu, a zatim i definisanje mogućih funkcionalnih šema objekata pri samom procesu projektovanja, kako bi se objekti predškolskih ustanova kasnije mogli transformisati usled nepredvidivih programskih promena u pedagoškom radu, kao i usled demografskih kretanja u gradu.
Milena Krklješ, Dejana Nedučin, Vladimir Kubet
Professional paper
In recent years, many world cities its activities directed to river developing the public spaces on its shores, and basing its identity on the line just a city - river. Transformation of the world economy, the crisis of traditional industries and the transition from industrial to the postindustrial stage of development of society, had resulted in the abandonment of traditional methods of production and storage of goods, ie. dislocation of industrial plants from the central coastal zones of the cities. Rehabilitation of industrial complexes in the world began a few decades ago. Abandoned warehouses and industrial buildings are the starting point of modern reconstructions of coastal zone cities. The text deals with the phenomenon of coastal zones and methods applied in the revitalization of the same, in the service of overall city development. Cities on rivers have natural wealth and the specific development potential that can be considered simultaneously as a generator of development and the urban fabric regenerator. Adequate solutions are not only in the macro and micro interventions, shaping and final character, in the authors defined vision. Any partial solution (detail by detail) is reduced to the consideration of only one, the present moment. Through the pursuit of new and adequate functions and coastal forms, we can provide a higher living quality of citizens, but also the affirmation of the city in the context of global competition.
Miloš Mihajlović
Professional paper
Green architecture has experienced resurgence in the sixties and seventies of the twentieth century as a result of the growing awareness of the need for preservation of the environment. Short-term economic shocks and the newly created movements for environmental protection may have been initiators of the new trend, but it survived the very same context in which it has emerged. The advantages of sustainable architecture have quickly been identified and grounded as the standard for the years to come. Ecological aspects of architecture i.e. building, were usually not taken care of, but now they become a key issue. Badly designed buildings drain natural resources and destroy the environment. In an era of rising energy prices and degradation of natural resources, the need for sustainable architecture is becoming a necessity, and the use of ecological materials an imperative. As such, it carries a number of challenges. During the construction of buildings that are called "green", the choice of materials is significantly limited, the prices are often very high and the technology is still new and insufficiently explored. Sustainability and the environmental aspect of green architecture are not sufficient reasons for it to be accepted by the public. It speaks in favor of inglorious epilogue of the solar architecture from the seventies, which despite its sustainability and environmental enlightenment has never been accepted by the wider public. Many say that the main reason is that it gives emphasis on function, but not on the form. It is expected from the green architecture of the twenty-first century to combine these two categories and therefore to present the innovation - both in terms of function and form. The subject of this paper is the form of the object that is created and "read", which derives from the context and specific conditions on the ground location where the facility is built. The context is understood in its broadest possible sense. It includes the existing forms of in space and time, and historical and cultural heritage.
Mitrović Nevena
Professional paper
The paper gives a theoretical basis and terms for calculation of static and dynamic impact of girders with semi-rigid connections of members in joints. In the existing literature calculation of line systems in which the connections of members in joints are absolutely rigid or ideally pinned has been elaborated in detail. In real structures in general, and particularly in the precast ones, connections may be partially rigid, which can have a significant impact on the change of stresses and strains in the construction. In the world there are several procedures with different approaches to the calculation of structures with semi-rigid connections, but it was proven that all of them lead to the same results. All of these approaches give experimental analysis of the results in addition to theoretical one
Slavko Zdravković, Dragan Zlatkov, Biljana Mladenović